Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Hitting and short pants

Today I'm sending Addi off to school in high waters. Is it raining? Well, actually it is. But I found out this morning that Addi recently grew an inch and 1/2. In 2 months! So the only pair of jeans that half fit are just a little too short. Get out the wallet Bill - time for Mama to go shopping!

Another quick note- Addi got in trouble for hitting and pushing last Thursday. WHAT!?!?!?! Not my daughter! I got pulled aside by the teacher and asked if Addi normally played aggressively with other kids. And I thought "Not older kids, just 1 yr old brothers- like pulling his feet to keep him from crawling, laying on him, tackling him to the ground- but never hitting!"

Turns out that Addi has a new best friend named Katie. And as with all girl best friend relationships it is a Love and Hate one. Evidently they follow each other around all day and play. And then the "It's mine!" starts and then the slug-fest ensues. Hopefully this week will be better and Addi won't have to defend herself- because, surely my daughter didn't throw the first punch. :)

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Day 4 - I rock!

I managed to check my email just before dashing out the door to take Addi to school. Am now receiving emails from teacher about what to bring to class- yahoo!!! So I managed to find an old picture of our dog for Addi to bring to school.

So in we go: put the lunch box in its spot, hang up backpack, put water bottle in bin. I now have this down pat. Am in ranks with supermom again. And the thanks I get for this promotion - a big fat nothing. Addi grabs the required dog picture, runs into the classroom, and takes her seat on the rug. No "Good-bye" "Love you Mom" "Catch ya later" Nothing!

Well it's better than crying!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

School- Day 3

Okay- so I dropped the ball again. But in my defense, so did a lot of other moms. On day 3 of this new school experience, the kids were supposed to bring in pictures of their families. And how did anyone know that? Well, it was hidden in a letter given to the parents in the middle of the summer. Half of us moms showed up empty-handed. Of course it was "No big deal" to the teacher and the other supermoms, but the rest of us felt like we permanently screwed up our kids educations.

They are 3 years old.

How can there be any pressure in a preschool? I mean really. The way some of the moms, myself included, react to these tiny screw-ups is laughable. I never imagined that I would fall short in taking Addi to school. I figured I would drop her off and pick her up, just like daycare. But no....now we have pictures to bring, snack weeks, and even hosting of Halloween parties to add to the mix. A Halloween party?? Have I bitten off more that I can chew?

At least I picked her up on time the last 2 days! Hope for me yet!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

School Days

SO after a long time I have finally found something to blog about. School. I can't believe that Addi is already heading to preschool. She's only 3!!! Her she is in her Hello Kitty shirt, shorts, and brand new Keds. The tradition continues! She walked up to every kid and said "Do you like my pants? I like my pants!" She was a champ. 2 kids in her class were boo-hooing, but not my girl. She says to me "Ok Mom, one big hug and one big kiss. Ok?" And then she gone! It's a little weird to watch something for 3 years and then turn it over to a stranger. ok, ok it's a church school- but still!
So everything went great. Addi in school, I went walking with Wyatt. Then the time to pick-up came.....and went! I thought it was at 2:30....but it was at 2!!!! First day of school and I'm that Mom!!!!!!! Have I failed so early in the game? At least she's so young that she won't remember! Evidently this happens every year, the teacher says. But not to me, I think. Oh well- now I know. Hope the next pick-up goes better.