Wednesday, September 9, 2009

School- Day 3

Okay- so I dropped the ball again. But in my defense, so did a lot of other moms. On day 3 of this new school experience, the kids were supposed to bring in pictures of their families. And how did anyone know that? Well, it was hidden in a letter given to the parents in the middle of the summer. Half of us moms showed up empty-handed. Of course it was "No big deal" to the teacher and the other supermoms, but the rest of us felt like we permanently screwed up our kids educations.

They are 3 years old.

How can there be any pressure in a preschool? I mean really. The way some of the moms, myself included, react to these tiny screw-ups is laughable. I never imagined that I would fall short in taking Addi to school. I figured I would drop her off and pick her up, just like daycare. But we have pictures to bring, snack weeks, and even hosting of Halloween parties to add to the mix. A Halloween party?? Have I bitten off more that I can chew?

At least I picked her up on time the last 2 days! Hope for me yet!

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